Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Big Warm Up

The Big Warm Up...and no we're not talking sports teams warming up before a game. Creativity Online has a Land's End video about this cause-marketing program.

Here are the facts:
  • Land's End partnered with the National Coalition of the Homeless
  • Together...they are launching the Big Warm Up
  • What is it?
  • "a national coat drive asking people to donate their gently used coats at Sears-based Land's End shops across the country"
What can you do to help? Watch the video...check out info on the Land's End website, & donate a coat or two to help warm someone else's winter season with your donation of a cozy coat.


  1. I’m so glad you blogged about this! They sent this out in an e-mail at work, and I’ve watched the video a thousand times, and always get the “chills”. Great Job, Land’s End

  2. Glad you liked this post, Megan!

    Also...found another article about how Land's End is giving an incentive for all customers donating a coat...20% coupon per coat donated!
