For YEARS we have waited the arrival of SONIC in Mass and throughout New England! What is Sonic, you ask? Well if you have managed to live under a rock for the past few years, you must have been missing out on the nationwide tv ad campaign that has been driving us New England-ers nuts since there aren't any in this area of the US. Until NOW! Still not sure what it is...then here's Sonic's website.
Sonic lets costumers reminisce on the old fashioned drive-up burger joints...order, eat in the car & go! It's a ton of fun beacause of its quick, easy and affordable style of dining. Don't expect the fanciest feast here though since it is based off the idea of a burger joint but trust me, you won't be disappointed as they have a wide variety of wraps, burgers, salads, smoothies, slushies & more.
A vacation last year led me to my first Sonic in VA and it was incredible! The excitement was incredible leading up to the event & have been hoping ever since to see more break out into the New England area. Looks like the 2.5 years of advertising in this region has finally paid off! Boston Globe reports on how they had to turn away customers after they had waited over 2 hours in line. How crazy is that?
Of course there has got to be a way to tie all this back to marketing so one thing I'm wondering is if Sonic has a way to trace zip codes searched on its website to see the top hot spots in New England to consider opening up more locations. Might make for an interesting way to do marketing research...?
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